A Blissful Day...

A Blissful Day...


What a blissful, beautiful, warm Spring day...nothing like sitting outside halfway under the umbrella...perhaps engulfed in a novel that is purely delightful! (no matter where you are)...

Give yourself some time today to relax a bit, clear your mind, ...get outside and enjoy the lovely weather and your beautiful surroundings, take in a little vitamin D from the sun, and perhaps bring along a great novel or magazine for an enjoyable read...one that you never seem to have time to read. It will be a special treat!

Do make time for moments like this...You'll feel refreshed and renewed, ready to take on the world again after a couple of hours like this...(so you will once again be ready to help solve all of the world's problems and help make positive change!)

Ahhh!...Just pure bliss!  Sometimes it's just the simple things that make your heart  smile and your soul shine...

Be sure to find a little bit of magic in each day...





*As an important reminder today and every day...Help take care of our gorgeous surroundings, so that we can continue to have beautiful moments like this. Let us be inspired by the beauty that surrounds us to do our part to help create a better future. We need to protect the environment and all make positive change for our amazing planet Earth.

Happy Earth Day!


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