Erin French New Show-Getting Lost with Erin French

Erin French New Show-Getting Lost with Erin French

As Erin French has said, "Sometimes you have to get a little lost to find the things you are searching for." Somehow, I feel like that quote somewhat applies to me the last couple of years and may resonate with so many! That truly is a poetic summary. Erin helps us see there is beauty in the imperfect. She reminds us that we can be our strongest in hard times. Her story also reminds us that we all have the power within to not only overcome, but to flourish, and to exceed any expectation that we ever had. She gives us hope and is tremendously inspiring in so many ways. Her journey is not only a culinary delight, but also a remarkable reflection of a special person wanting to continue to do what she is passionate about in life. So glad that the world has found Erin French and The Lost Kitchen!

Erin French is a great American chef and New York Times bestselling author. She is the owner of the renowned restaurant, The Lost Kitchen, located in Freedom, Maine. TLK occupies an old grist mill that has been restored into a charming, dreamy venue providing an exceptional dining experience with breathtaking scenic views. "It's a magical space in the Freedom woods created with love and intention to make you feel warm inside," says Erin. This season's dinner service at the mill started on May 31st with excited visitors/diners finding their way to Freedom, Maine from all over the world to one of the most sought-after restaurants in America. In 2018, Time Magazine designated it as a world dining destination... sure to impress and leave long lasting memories with you. The beauty and magic of this phenomenal place all starts in March, on the first day of Spring, with the joyful, special approach of sending in a handwritten postcard with your information and a message, in hopes that your card will be drawn in the April open lottery system for a reservation to be given for this year's special dining season. (There is nothing like a handwritten letter or postcard in today's world and I find that to be an absolutely enchanting method to get people excited, planning ahead, and preparing for a journey there). And if you are lucky enough to have your card drawn from among the tens of thousands of postcards sent in each year, then your amazing journey there begins!

On Fridays and Saturdays this season, arriving at the historic old mill around 4:30, about 50 diners from all over the United States and world cross the bridge to the mill, already mesmerized by the charm that it exudes. With a stop to peruse the wine cellar, they pick out their favorite or new favorite wines for the evening and then proceed up to the warm dining room filled with beautiful tablescapes and warm inviting candle light. They are greeted by Erin and staff, and are directed to their table. And after a few courses not shown on the menu, Erin stands up in front of the room and extends a special message, which includes telling about the special farm to table menu pointing out special ingredients that are sourced locally from the nearby farms, fields, and waters. She ends with a toast, which kicks off the rest of the menu and the wonderful evening that awaits...sure to be a memorable one! A multi-course, magnificent dinner is served throughout the five magical hours or so...along with great conversation, newly made friends, ...all happening within this incredible, idyllic setting that one surely dreams of before and after. It is truly a beautiful, magical evening certain to be had, a memorable experience from beginning to end, surely never to be forgotten! 

This 2024 season boasts many new treasures as well. Soon you'll be able to book one of the new modern rustic cabins on the nearby property... full of plate glass floor-to-ceiling windows, a nearby outdoor shower, and views of the rural Maine woods along the Sandy Stream. These enchanting cabins are so charming and certainly add to the special experience of your special journey. This is so perfect if you would like to stay a while and extend your stay in the area, fully immersing yourself in all the beauty that this part of Maine has to offer. If you are looking for peace and quiet in the woods of Maine beside the old mill pond, be sure to book early. 

Opening this season on June 25th will be the Freedom Farmer's Market at The Lost Kitchen, which will be open every Tuesday through August 27th from 11 am to 2 pm. You are sure to find a range of special treats and great local fresh produce, proteins, home baked goods, ice cream, coffee, and more. You can also shop at The Lost Kitchen Shop at the mill from Tuesday through Saturday 10 am to 2 pm, which is full of highly curated, small batch, handmade pieces and unique goods for everyday living. If you can't make it there, no worries, because you can shop online anytime. Erin and her husband Michael have worked really hard to make The Lost Kitchen accessible in so many ways to so many people at different times. In some form or fashion, you will be able to visit if you wish!

Among Erin's many talents besides being a brilliant chef, is that she is also able to show her authenticity, honesty, knowledge, and creativity as an author. In "The Lost Kitchen" original cookbook, Erin includes many recipes with the good life found in Freedom, Maine on display. Her second book is a New York Times bestselling memoir called "Finding Freedom: A Cook's Story Remaking A Life from Scratch." Discussed in this amazing book are her struggles and strength to overcome that make her life triumphant... and that these challenges that she had along the way are what led her to the exact place that she was meant to be. Through deep loss and against all odds, with continued hope and lots of determination, she rebuilt and remade her life, found her voice again, and continued to grow stronger in search of finding her best self. Erin re-invented herself doing the things that she loves with the utmost passion. She points out that this book shows the poignant connection between food and generosity, renewal and freedom. It is a special book indeed! Her third new cookbook, "Big Heart, Little Stove" is here now and it helps one create meaningful moments, just like the special moments found at The Lost Kitchen. Erin's hope is that you create more joy and connection around your table. This amazing lady, behind this extraordinary farm to table restaurant, is a four time James Beard award semi-finalist. She is highly accomplished in many areas. Her movie rights were recently sold in a very high bidding auction. The anticipation of seeing what will no doubt be an extraordinary movie will certainly be building as we await the new movie release, which hopefully will come out before too long. Congratulations Erin on all of your wonderful accomplishments, as they are quite extraordinairre! This is all very exciting!

Erin and her husband Michael have taken a little time away to travel this past year, as they have been venturing throughout the United States on a mission to bring new inspiration and creativity back to The Lost Kitchen this new 2024 season... and that they definitely have! They are super excited to now be able to share this wonderful news and take us along on the journey, as they have a new show coming out that is full of amazing culinary adventures that they had on their journey around the U.S. in their Airstream trailer. The new show, "Getting Lost with Erin French," premieres Sunday, June 23rd, at 2 pm EST/ 1 pm CST streaming on the Magnolia Network, MAX, and Discovery Plus. Be sure to watch this series of epic culinary adventures, as they take us along on a special new journey each time. We, at WILD HORSE BOOTS, so agree with Erin and Michael about living an inspired life and the importance of "seeking inspiration," as that truly inspires even more creativity. They have made their way back to Freedom and are ready for a fantastic 2024 season, which is already just off to a fabulous start!

This special note must be included, as it is truly commendable that Erin and Michael  work hard to give back to their rural Maine community in many ways, including helping support farmers raise national awareness about PFA'S and the impact to farmland, which is a big problem that affects us all. This is a very important environmental issue that should continue to be on the forefront to make sure that we always have the best locally sourced produce and food that is free of pollutants and contaminants. It is so important that we know about the food that we are putting into our bodies, as it should be the healthiest and most nourishing, which all starts with the soil, nutrients, and methods in which it is grown. They are active in their community helping to make it the best that it can be. May we all take an important message here and do something good for the community and environment in which we live!

Thank you so very much to Erin and Michael for allowing me to share some of your story. What a true honor and privilege to be able to do so! I say, "Discover The Lost Kitchen where lots of magic can truly be found." As Erin says, "We've got lots of irons in the fire" and that they sure up magic in all sorts of ways! One way or another be sure to find your way to The Lost Kitchen! It is ten years in the making and Erin continues with such vision, along her destined path some may say,  to expand The Lost Kitchen and its greatness. Wow! It is such an incredible thing to witness, watching the magic unfold! What a remarkable journey in life! What a beautiful story, that with such grace and grit, she found herself again back near a place where she grew up, ...and with self-renewal, she found her focus, her vision, her passion... which really re-ignited her dreams with such newfound optimism. Erin French is an extraordinary human with incredible culinary skills and special talent that touches the heart, soul, and definitely one's palate! Thank you Erin for being such an inspiration with such a beautiful message of hope, along with outstanding culinary creations no doubt! I am already on the lookout for a very special postcard to send in for next season! Thank you for taking the time to make everything so well thought out and incredibly special at The Lost Kitchen....Cheers to you Erin!...Wishing you and Michael much continued success!

Be sure to check back on our WHB Blog as we are excited to be able to share a few of Erin's special recipes with you! Coming soon!...Be sure to also tune in to see their new show "Getting Lost with Erin French" as it will be full of adventure and incredible cooking...along with newly found inspiration for us all!

We, at WILD HORSE BOOTS, are all about reminding you to make your journey in life extraordinary! She is a perfect example showing all the magic that can happen when one really gets focused and chases their dreams! No doubt, an extraordinary journey and special time awaits in finding The Lost Kitchen located in Freedom, Maine with the amazing Erin French! 



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