Nicholas Sparks - What An Extraordinary Author of Our Time!

Nicholas Sparks - What An Extraordinary Author of Our Time!

Wherever I am, there's always a Nicholas Sparks novel not far away it seems! As I look around the home, the books that Nicholas has so masterfully written seem to have a real presence! The mere sight of them makes them come to life in my mind, with something wonderful taken from each... along with an instant felt emotional response from deep within, as I am reminded of such incredible, powerful, poignant stories. These are books that certainly touch the heart and soul, and leave you with a little more understanding about the nature of human love, the huge capacity of the human spirit, and perhaps a few life lessons or important realizations entwined in each. As romantics, they remind us that anything is possible, that our dreams we dream can become reality, and that perhaps our destined path sometimes is more in control than we think... with the timing, people, and events in our lives...all somewhat of a perfect storm at times. Each novel has been one that I can hardly put down when I am reading, as he takes us to a special place and presents us with special, interesting characters along with incredible, compelling storylines that seem to pull out every emotion possible, providing an escape into a world that changes us, hopefully, for the better somehow. Great authors have that unique magic to pull out every emotion and that indeed is something Nicholas Sparks does so brilliantly with his extraordinary writing. Perhaps within reading these novels that he has written... it makes us softer, wiser, more compassionate, more courageous, more understanding, more loving, more accepting... as we evolve through some of life's complexities and heartbreak he has written about that sometimes is suprisingly thrown our way. The heartache, love, and loss in our lives sometimes changes us in ways which we can unforesee. He has the remarkable ability to make difficult things blossom and grow into something that gives us a little more understanding, which shows the enduring and endearing qualities of the human spirit. Nicholas has an unique way of reminding you that life is precious, so to live it to your fullest. He gives us hope and courage to chase dreams, but yet also open to and more understanding of whatever it is to come our way...sometimes challenging, sometimes surprising, sometimes uplifting, sometimes life-changing. As much as we want it to be, life is not perfect. Each novel Nicholas has written is so powerful in the way each story unfolds, develops, and leaves us as better humans than before, with a deeper heart and richer soul, as we experience love and heartbreak through his writing. Authentically touching our very core with his exceptional writing, this world-renowned author is able to take us on heartfelt journeys with many incredible, yet surprising turns and twists that come along the way. Thank you Nicholas Sparks for being a truly extraordinary author of our time!

Nicholas Sparks is a great American novelist, screenwriter, and film producer that lives in North Carolina. His bestselling tales of romance and heartbreak have made him known as "The Master of Love Stories." He certainly is an author who has defined and has exemplified excellence in crafting the modern love story. Nicholas has written 24 novels in the past 28 years, all of which have become New York Times bestsellers. "The Notebook" based on a real-life love story, one that showed the beauty of such everlasting, unconditional love...spent 55 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and sold more than 14 million copies worldwide. His latest novel "Counting Miracles" was just released on September 24, 2024. It features a love story, North Carolina, and an unpredictable ending...three fabulous elements found in most all of Nicholas Spark novels! It is "a powerful novel about wondering if we can change- or even make our peace with - the path we've taken." It is a touching story of hope, faith, and love... but also about new beginnings and second chances.  Eleven of his novels have been made into beautifully told Hollywood films, such as "Message in a Bottle" featuring Kevin Costner, Paul Newman, and Robin Wright Penn...a truly spectacular novel and movie! One novel, "The Notebook" has been adapted into a movie, as well as turned into a great musical opening on Broadway in New York earlier this year with rave reviews. It has received three Tony nominations and is the first of his novels to come to life onstage. His extraordinary writing has created modern day versions of the Greek Tragedies. He says that "Sophocles and Euripides wrote their plays with the intention that the audience experience the full range of human emotions, including both love and tragedy," Nicholas also adds that, "to read these plays is to experience all the emotions of life." His phenomenal novels, movies, and musical all brilliantly bring forth this wealth of emotion in us all and are such captivating stories that they stay with us forever deep within our hearts and become unforgettable memories.

Nicholas Sparks great story telling has been with us for many years, as he has written twenty-four amazing novels thus far and over 130 million copies have been sold. They have been published in over fifty languages. In 1996, his novel "The Notebook" was published, which is a really beautiful story. Nicholas was 28 when he wrote The Notebook in just six months. Twenty-four literary agents turned down The Notebook, which is so hard to believe. Thank goodness for the twenty-fifth agent that did not and sold it to Time Warner one week later for one million dollars! Its success allowed him to then follow with other novels: Message in a Bottle (1998), A Walk To Remember (1999), The Rescue (2000), A Bend In The Road (2001), Nights in Rodanthe (2002), The Guardian (2003), The Wedding (2003), True Beleiver (2005) and its sequel At First Sight (2006), Dear John (2006), The Choice (2007), The Lucky One (2008), The Last Song (2009), Safe Haven (2010), The Best of Me (2011), The Longest Ride (2013), See Me (2015), Two by Two (2016), Every Breath (2018), The Return (2020), The Wish (2021), Dreamland (2022), and the 2004 non-fiction memoir Three Weeks with My Brother, co-written with his brother Micah. Counting Miracles is his latest novel making number twenty-four, and it was published very recently on September 24,2024. To accomplish all of this he writes 2,000 words a day three or four days a week. In the years that he has not written, he has read an average of 100 books a year and said he often found himself wondering what made good stories work. When writing, the question he always seeks to answer first is what keeps the characters apart. Somehow he is able to magically bring them together or have their paths cross in a surprising, but interesting way. He says it is important to genuinely evoke emotions without being manipulative, and that the story must also be dramatic without being melodramatic. Also important, the characters, plot, and story elements must feel "real" to the reader, as well as be interesting and original. Nicholas includes a love story element in each, makes the characters likeable, and the setting has always been in the small towns of eastern North Carolina. Rather than just simply writing, he focuses on "writing well"...and that he definitely does in a remarkable way! The novels that he has written are extraordinary, and as mentioned before, have all made the New York Times Bestseller list, which is just amazing for one human to write so many novels and for them all to be so well loved by so many across the world!

Many extraordinary movies have been made from Nicholas Sparks fabulous novels, eleven to be exact! This unique author has also been a screenwriter and producer for some of them. Film adaptations of his novels include The Choice, The Longest Ride, The Best of Me, Safe Haven, The Lucky One, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, Dear John, and The Last Song. They have had a cumulative worldwide gross of over three-quarters of a billion dollars. We all have our favorites, like I really loved Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, and Nights in Rodanthe. However, they are all magnificently different and speak to us each in different ways. I am sure that we all agree that each one has been truly special indeed in its own unique way, taking us through all of the emotions, just as all of his phenomenal novels do! You certainly know that you are in for an amazing ride, when you pick up one of his novels or go to see one of his movies!

Nicholas gives back in many ways which is such a blessing to many. He is a major contributor to the Creative Writing Program at his alma mater, the University of Notre Dame where he provides scholarships, internships, and an annual fellowship for the program there. Nicholas contributes to many local and national charities as well as, he also created The Nicholas Sparks Foundation, which is a non-profit that provides scholarships and helps fund educational programs for under privileged and disadvantaged youth. It is commendable that he sees the importance of making a positive difference in the lives of others with these special gifts. He has also been a major contributor for a college-prep school in his hometown. Nicholas has certainly made his mark in this world, touching the lives of so many in such a grand way with his writing, movies, and special contributions to help people achieve their own dreams. It is important to keep dreaming no matter what circumstance one is in, and he shows us that if you work hard, as well as, are passionate about what you do, that dreams are attainable. The difference between Nicholas and so many writers is that he not only started writing the first book, but he actually finished it! He shows us that it is important to follow through and not give up, which is a great lesson and reminder that can be applied to us all. 

It is very clear that Nicholas Sparks has achieved overwhelming success with his writing. I am sure that his writing has helped him cope with certain tremendous loss in his own life that he has experienced as well. I was so sad to learn that he lost his mom in his twenties from a horseback riding accident, his dad in his thirties from an automobile accident, and then lost his sister from a battle with cancer. What I want to add here is that I am sure they are tremendously proud of Nicholas and have been with him in spirit every step of the way, as it was his mom that encouraged him to write his first book (unpublished) as he was recovering from a sports injury. The love, loss, and heartache that he has experienced is I am sure put into his work as he writes, along with probably much inspiration from his previous wife as well. His love stories are absolutely beautiful and are sometimes called "romantic weepies" because it is hard to get through one without crying tears of joy, tears of sadness, and feeling every emotion in between. He says, "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." What a lovely quote! We can all agree that his writing is beautiful and truly special!

A special thanks to Nicholas and to his team for allowing me to write this article. (I appreciate you Jennifer!) Nicholas has long been a special author that I greatly admire and respect for the true treasures that he has brought to us throughout the years. His new, latest books are usually with me when I depart on special new adventures. They have also been fantastic reads while at the lakehouse, sitting by the fireplace, sipping warm apple cider or hot cocoa... also perfect for a summertime escape outdoors. His writing keeps us dreaming. It reminds us to go forth with passion in whatever we do! Nicholas is an inspiration as a writer the way he can pull out every emotion possible in each of his remarkable stories. Thanks Nicholas for being along on the journey with me wherever I am in life, and providing such amazing stories that stay with us! I think his books speak to so many in such a special way! (Insert smiley face here!...I realize as life goes on, we are still writing our own stories! Here's to an extraordinary journey along the way and to hopefully a "happy" ending!)  ...Yes indeed, Nicholas Sparks is truly an extraordinary author of our time!...        -Rebecca

Be sure to get the latest Nicholas Sparks book, "Counting Miracles" as it was just recently published on September 24, 2024! It is destined to be another great one for sure!...May we all make the most of each day in our journeys through life! ...Precious words from his latest novel, "Find where you belong..."

We, at WILD HORSE BOOTS, remind you to make your journey extraordinary!...




 **UPDATE - Oct.4,2024 - In under two weeks since its release, The new Nicholas Sparks novel "Counting Miracles" has already made it to the top spot as #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list and a movie deal has been made! - SO AMAZING!!!!!


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