Spring Is Upon Us...

Spring Is Upon Us...

It's the first day of SPRING!...

Well, the beautiful dogwood trees are in full bloom here on the ranch in Texas and everything is beginning to look vibrant and green again! It is certainly a beautiful time of the year here. Spring is definitely upon us. Flowers are blooming and nature is absolutely thriving.

Time to come out of our winter cocoons,... drown in the sunlight, walk in lavender fields... or perhaps just as great, hike the trails amidst the lovely blooming dogwoods & ever so tall pine trees. Take some time to enjoy homemade sun tea with fresh lemon on the deck, go for an afternoon horseback ride, or spend time on the lake. Hopefully, you will find yourself fully immersed in the beauty all around you and enjoying all of the special things that the season brings. Perhaps you will even have some magical moments where you can marvel in awe, ...like as you watch a lovely  deer move about in such a beautiful, graceful way or observe other incredible wildlife in their element, and hopefully you will enjoy many a picturesque sunrise or sunset - where time seems to just slow down for a little while.  

Whatever you do, wherever you are... learn to really appreciate these really, really beautiful SPRING days. Do not take them for granted. It is certainly a special time of the year to stop and smell the roses (or lavender)...so to speak! We should be thankful for so many things...


...I must also add that it is also the perfect time of the year to order some of our beautiful, handmade boots that you are sure to enjoy, as well as will look and feel spectacular in while wearing. They are truly extraordinary and are for those that want to enjoy extraordinary days in an extraordinary way! Order a pair of our gorgeous boots today. They are designed in Texas and are handmade by our special artisans in Europe. They are fresh, hip, and unique...sure to put a "SPRING" in your step!...




"There's a wild horse in all of us!"...

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