The Magic Within You, The Magic That Surrounds You, The Magic That Awaits...

The Magic Within You, The Magic That Surrounds You, The Magic That Awaits...

My questions to you today are:

What inspires you?

What are you passionate about?

Are you following your dreams?

Are you living an inspired life?...


We should all be on a trajectory that leads to doing what we love the most!

Follow your path...perhaps one of destiny some may say...

As I read recently, "You have to be where you are now, to get to where you are going!"

Stay focused on your dreams. Never lose sight of them. Continue moving in a positive direction.


Yes, always hold on to and follow your dreams. Dreams need believing. Don't be afraid to reach for the stars!...Believe in the magic that can happen!

You are in charge of what you do and the thoughtful decisions that you decide to  make...Make them special!

Remember there is beautiful magic within you and amazing magic that surrounds you...

Seek to live an inspired life, seek out motivating inspiration that helps you to not only grow-but to absolutely thrive!

...But, do also realize the special importance of being a tremendous inspiration for others, as we are all in this world together. Let's do grand things...and make "the  wonderful" happen!

You can be that extraordinary visionary...not only for yourself, but for others. Be optimistic about the future and what it holds...Always, always have hope.


Go forth with that incredible passion for what you adore doing...

When you are doing what you love, it will easily shine through...and what a truly special gift that is to the world!

Never give up...Realize that sometimes things take a little time, and we must all learn to be more patient with magic that is in the making... just know that extraordinary things definitely await! Sometimes when we give them a little time, the result can be even so much more spectacular...and worth the wait! 

A lovely Henry Thoreau poem comes to mind. It relates happiness to being like a butterfly...

Go forth and focus on doing the things you love with great passion...making your journey one of intentional purpose that hopefully seems quite fulfilling...

...and... when you least expect it ...yes, that butterfly will definitely come and sit softly on your shoulder!

While you are busy doing the things you are so passionate about...pure magic is definitely in the making!


Dreams, inspiration, passion, ... three very important motivating key elements - all interconnected...all so important! What would one be without the other?

...No doubt, the magic will certainly come!...Perhaps you will even realize that it is already there!

Remember, -You are destined for great, remarkable things...

Believe that, work hard at what you love, ... achieve the extraordinary!

You are unique, one-of-a-kind, and special!...Use your special talents in a special way to do something really special!

Then, let the magic unfold...It is a really beautiful thing for you and all to see!

Wishing you a magical journey...full of much continued inspiration and great  passion, for those dreams that we know must be chased...





*Special thanks to so many that inspire me so much...I am especially inspired through their art, music, fashion design, culinary skills, and of course anything related to horses! I am inspired by passionate entrepreneurs...It is such a beautiful thing to see amazing people have extraordinary vision & passion for whatever they do, or what they create, or what they really love...What a fantastic thing to witness! I hope to soon share about more people and things that I am continuously inspired by, as it is a true honor and privilege to do so!   -R

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