"You Are Never Lost"...

"You Are Never Lost"...

I can't help but think back to a conversation I had with a lady recently. It was with a great lady who has worked really hard to grow her new business the past few years. When I walked in a man was talking about what led him to his new job and then asked her what led her to open her new business. As she told her story, it truly seemed as if there was a plan leading her to everything in the present...a plan written long ago that she had no idea about. Sometimes we are led in a direction for a certain reason, a reason that we may not even know exists yet. I believe we are constantly moving towards that, whether it be really slow, growing steady and cultivating for years...or perhaps something moving us along at a faster pace. She talked about how magically everything came together and the world opened its doors for this new beginning...one that has continued to provide through a difficult time in our country the last few years. It took hold of her and things just seemed to fall in place for something that she had no idea that she was going to be doing. It has continued to grow and evolve into something that is special and something that she really loves. You simply have to allow God and the Universe to do its work... for a dynamic plan has been written for each of us long before we think about it, find it, or even realize it. She continued to talk and interesting enough, she mentioned that over the years they had found their past four homes or properties when they were driving around...two that had realtor signs and two that did not, ...when they were not even searching. This really intrigued me because a few years ago, I was driving and happened upon a street sign name that intrigued me and spoke to me so much that I turned and went down the road. I realized something very special at that moment and I will share that great story with you at a different time. Were they led there on their own or was it part of their plan written many years ago I wondered? Was it happenstance that they happened upon it? I think not. What I think is that the Universe works in incredible ways! We may not always understand everything at the particular time. Then she said the ever important words, "You are never lost!" I have thought about this several times over the last few weeks. The sentence, "You are never lost" is so true. Trust who you are and that your journey is special. Trust your instinct and believe in the beauty inside you. Allow God and the Universe to do the special work and embrace your path, wherever it leads you. Then, you will always be able to find your way. I can remember many years ago talking with my best friend about the very things that I am doing now...at the time never knowing that this would really come to be, years down the road. They were things that I wanted to explore and do, but at the time felt I did not have time for, as another fabulous career was in full swing. I guess at that time or perhaps much, much earlier the seeds were planted though and have been growing over the years. Things happen at just the right time that they are supposed to happen. Our plan has been put in place long before we realize it. As the sweet lady said so poeticly, "You are never lost." Wherever you are...you are there for a reason, whether you realize that or not. 

As WILD HORSE BOOTS would say, embrace your journey and every step of it, all of the extraordinary things along the way, as well as look forward to the amazing things coming! When you embrace what the Universe has in store for you...magic happens! Let your walk in life be open to new adventures and your spirit always be able to thrive in a place that which you are supposed to be at that given moment...Never let anyone or anything diminish that in any way. Take care of your soul. Extraordinary things are meant for you, but you have to remember to take steps forward and continue on your path to see how it evolves. Remember you are special and "You are never lost." No matter your circumstance, always believe and know good things are coming, live your best life every day, always being good and true ...and the Universe will absolutely take care of you. 




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